Kim Binkley is headed back to the US

We really enjoyed Kim's visit - it was just too short. Rich leaves for the US tomorrow for several weeks. Another exciting thing, yesterday, Veashna (one of our students) and his wife, Lynna, had their first baby. His name is Timothy. I haven't seen him yet but will certainly forward pictures when I do.
Rich is wrapping up Church Growth class in the mornings. He taught Song of Solomon yesterday afternoon and said that the students had no problem getting sleepy!
For those of you who sent gifts with Kim...THANKS!!!!! It is all so much appreciated! I will put the magazines and popcorn to good use while Rich is gone and I get some quiet time.
For those of you who will see Rich, please don't spoil him too much and tell him too much how great he is. I have to live with him when he gets back, so don't make his head too big!! Ha! Know that we love you all! Ronda


Tammy said…
We are so excited that Rich is coming for a visit but sorry to hear that you won't be with him. We really miss you guys.

The Ward Family

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