I know...it has been awhile since I blogged.

On Friday, Nov. 3rd, we had the students, members of both the Phnom Penh church and the Partners In Progress church over for a singing. Then on Saturday, the 4th, there was a party/fellowship at Partners In Progress. Everyone seemed to enjoy getting to know each

At this moment, Rich is teaching at the school and I am waiting for a few more minutes before going to pick up Kim Binkley at the airport. She will be here for a week.
Several things are going to be happening: Kim gets in today, Veashna (one of our students) and his wife, Lynna are expecting their first child any day now. Kim leaves on the 27th and then Rich leaves on the 29th for 4 weeks in the US seeing all of you. I will be holding down the fort here.
Well, I'd better be letting you go. Much love,
