Languages can get you in so much trouble!

OK. This picture has nothing to do with what I am going to tell you. I just wanted you to see part of what we see when we drive out of town.
Now for the language problems...recently, we attended a wedding out our congregation between a Nigerian man and a Korean woman. They had requested our Khmer preacher to perform the ceremony. At the end of the service, our preacher said there was a song that he thought was great and appropriate. we listened, it was all we could do not to crack up laughing. The song was "Please help me, I'm falling". The first line is "Please help me, I"m falling in love with you." Some of you may remember this old VERY country song. The problem comes in that the guy is singing to a girl that is NOT his wife...but he does have a wife and he is trying not to get into an affair. Not exactly the song for a wedding. Our preacher just thought it was a man telling a woman that he loved her, etc. It does show how easily it is to misunderstand something if it is not in your heart language.
Rich got up to preach a couple week ago and, in khmer, INTENDED to say "I'm going to teach to you again about Jesus." What he actually said was "I'm going to teach you about ANOTHER Jesus." Whoops! Well, we certainly aren't bored!!! Much love, Ronda


Rich & Ronda, I really like your blog site. It is great. Thanks for writing us an email and sharing that site link with us. It was interesting to heara from you but it is even more interesting to couple what you write with pictures. Please say hello to Reuben, Rebekah, Luke Walvoord (and anyone else who knows us). Keep up the good work on the blog and for the Lord there in Cambodia.

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