Water Festival!
We took 19 people in our car to a little get together at the PIP house before we all walked from there down to the river.
The 2nd picture is of Dalan, one of our students (in brown jacket). Her brother, in yellow, is on one of the boat teams. Her mother and sister are also in the picture.
There are approximately an extra 2 million people in Phnom Penh for the races - people everywhere. The 3rd picture is of Rich giving
The last picture is of part of the people at the PIP house. We took some time to sing and have some snacks before walking to the river. There was probably 60 people that met at the PIP house. Since there are SO MANY people around the river area, we quickly split up into smaller group. It tooks us 1 1/2 hours to get back to the PIP house (at the most, a distance of 2 miles) because of all the people walking.
So, if you want to come see the races, which are quite fun, come visit us next year at the end of November. The Water Festival follow the lunar
Love to all of you! Ronda