Rebekah, our daughter, and a team of 7 other

Aggies are here for a month. They are spending all day each day teaching English using the Bible. Saturday, we took the Aggies as well as our students from the preaching school to the coast. We took a boat out to one of the islands where we spent 3 days. One of the pictures is of Rich teaching on Philippians 2. We had a lesson on each of the chapters of Philippians.
I think everyone had a good time, but it did start out a little rough. It rained on us the entire drive to the coast, so I knew that the water would be choppy. We had to go in 2 groups and typically, the water only gets rougher, so the girls as well as a few of the boys went out first. Personally, I

thought it was great - kind of like a roller coaster - and Rebekah enjoyed it as well. But...well, let's just say that there were several people hanging over the edge, not thinking it was so fun. But we all got there and got to enjoy God's creation for several days there. And, the ocean was nice and calm on our trip back on Tuesday, so no one was sick. I will try to put on a few more pictures on the next blog. Ronda