Pictures from Tawn's funeral/cremation

I didn't take pictures at the funeral process because I thought I needed to help the students, but others here are a few of the pictures to let you know what it was like. Tawn's body was in the coffin in the main room at the school from the time they brought him from the ambulance until we took it to the crematorium. The first picture is of the cart that we loaded the coffin in. Navy and immediate family walked in front of the cart and then others walked beside and the rest behind. The 2nd picture is of all of us walking from the school to the temple where the body was cremated. Before leaving, we had what could be compared to a funeral service in the US. We took up the entire street and everyone just pulled over to the side to let us through. The last picture is of the crematorium. Tawn was in the one on the right. The family and friends all stand there while the coffin is pushed through the door. We had been given flowers with paper on them, as well as a paper...