Pictures from Tawn's funeral/cremation

The first picture is of the cart that we loaded the coffin in. Navy and immediate family walked in front of the cart and then others walked beside and the rest behind.
The 2nd picture is of all of us walking from the school to the temple where the body was cremated. Before leaving, we had what could be

The last picture is of the crematorium. Tawn was in the one on the right. The family and friends all stand there while the coffin is pushed through the door. We had been given flowers with paper on them, as well as a paper saying that ''God loves Tawn" before. When it came time for the cremation, they gathered them up from everyone and that is how they started the fire on the coffin.
Funeral dress here is white shirts and black pants or skirts.
There are still areas, that we are trying to cover that Tawn handled. I can't wait for you to get to heaven and meet him. We were so blessed to have been his friend for the first 3 years we were here. Much love, Ronda

This is Tiffany Dahlman. I don't think we've met, but I worked there in Cambodia w/Partners in Progress for the better part of three yrs around the time Tawn and Navy got married. I was very close to them. I just recently heard of Tawn's passing. He had been on my mind lately b/c I hadn't hear anything from him in awhile. I usually get an email from him every few weeks. I emailed NAvy on Tawn's email address to send my condolenses, but I don't know that she can/does check that. Please tell her that I'm so sorry I didn't reach out to her sooner; I just got the news. She is in my prayers constantly. If she needs anything, please remind her that I am always here for her, her sister, LiMeng, and her always. What is she going to do now-stay on at the center? I know God will take care of her, and it is the church's responsibility to care for widows, but I'm concerned about what will happen to her and LiMeng now. God Bless you and your work there, and thank you for passing my love on to Navy (and Chan and James and the rest of Tawn's family) for me.