Sovan and Sokna's wedding

Sovan and Sokna got married on May 28th. Sovan is one of our graduates and Sokna should graduate in December 2011. They waited until we returned from the US so that Rich could perform the wedding.
As you can see from Sokna's picture, when they have weddings, they wear a lot of makeup, fake eyelashes and elaborate hair pieces. Sokna told me that she got up at 3am in order to be ready for the wedding at 9am.
Since my blog works better if I only download about 3 pictures at a time, I will put more pictures on the next blog.
Rebekah, our daughter, and a team of 6 Aggies got here on Friday, May 27th. So the first day they are here, they had to get up and get dressed up to attend this wedding.
The 2nd picture is Rich with Sokna and Sovan. And then the 3rd picture is of Sovan and his groommen, Serewudt and Soklee.
Since Khmer weddings last an entire day, they wanted Rich to "preach" for a long time. What was funny was that the Aggies thought that the
wedding was really long and the Khmers thought
it was the shortest wedding in Khmer history! I guess Rich just couldn't win. We were told that some people came just to see what a Christian type wedding was like.
Sovan is already working in Sokna's village and has started a new church there. Please pray for Sovan in that work and for both Sovan and Sokna in their new marriage.
Much love, Ronda


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