This first picture is of them on the dock at Rabbit Island. By the way, I guess it would be nice of me to actually give you their names! In the back are: Whitley Lanier, Macy McWilliams, Abigail Elkins, and (of course) Rebekah Dolan. The guys are: John Stone, Jared Wissel and Paul Garrett.
The 2nd picture is of them with some of the kids from the school that they helped with on Wednesdays. The kids colored pictures for each of them and Doris had them bound along with a picture of each child with the picture they drew. It was very nice!
The 3rd picture is of Whitley Lanier teaching one of her students. As I told you before, they all taught students English from 7 or 8am to 6pm, weekdays other then Wednesday. The Khmer students always enjoy getting to talk to Americans their own age.