Our 4 recent graduates

This is Tola.  He is currently taking lessons to get a license to drive trucks. He will be working with the Snack Program that Sharon Welch heads up. It is a program that takes food to villages to feed children.  They also teach Bible stories to the children and teach nutritional information to their parents.  We know that he will be an asset to that program as both a driver and teacher.
Sreythouj is another one of our graduates.  Frequently, she had the highest grades in the class.
She will be working with Doris Morrison in an area in North Phnom Penh.  Doris, along with Sophy and Vannate, run a school that teaches English to children.
Sreythouj is especially excited to be able to teach some of the women that come to worship with the church that meets in the school.  She has a kind heart and will be a blessing to both the school and church there.
 Sokchea actually finished school a month ago, but had to wait until now for the graduation ceremony.  He is a good student and good Christian man.  The students voted him to be the student leader, which he did for the last several months.
Sokchea is already working on the Ship of Life, a part of Partners In Progress.  He assists the people as they come onto the ship for medical care. He talks with them  about their needs and can teach them while they wait to be seen by the doctor or dentist.  He also is assisting with the devotionals and worship services that are done on the ship.
Makara is Tola's sister.  She also is a good student with a sweet heart.  She will be working with an organization near the city that helps girls escape from prostitution.  We know that she will shine her light and be a wonderful example of a Christian young lady to them.

Most of our students fail a class or two when they first come, because they have to study much differently than the schools here, and are required to do a lot of reading. It takes them awhile to adjust and figure out what is required of them.  This group of 4 only had one failed class between them all.  They did amazingly well.  We are excited as they go out and spread God's Word to the people around them.  Please pray for them to have wisdom and courage to walk with God and allow Him to guide their paths.  Much love, Ronda


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