2 New Sisters in Christ!!

We were especially blessed on Sunday to welcome in 2 new sisters.

Lomang is the first one.  She is pictured here with her daughter, Cheewy and Kevin Carson.  Kevin is working with Partners in Progress.  Lomang's husband, Buntheon, used to work on the Ship of Life and that is how he became a Christian.  So he asked Kevin to baptize Lomang.

Lomang is currently working as our cook at the school.  Last year, she tried to be a student, but it was too hard with a small child.  She cried when she told us that she was going back to her village while her husband finished up his training with the Tourist Department.

After a few months, she and Cheewy moved back to Phnom Penh with her husband.  So after our cook left, we asked her if she would like to be our cook.

Now, Lomang and Buntheon are living at the school so we get to see her everyday.  She joins us during chapel most days after she has been to the market.
 This is her husband on the left taking a picture.

And the old Lomang dies.
 Meet the new perfect Lomang!  A precious saved child of God and our sister.

The other new sister is Tony.  She is the youngest sister to Minea, who has been a Christian for about 8 or so years.  Minea has 4 sisters and now they are all Christians.

She has come with Minea and the other sisters for years, but now we were able to see her buried with Christ.
 And raised a new creature.
Please keep Tony and Lomang in your prayers as they start their walk with God.

Please also pray for those of us around them so be a strength to them and examples of Christ that we need to be.

Much love,

PS.  In case you can't tell, Lomang is also pregnant with their 2nd child.


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