A lighter blog

 Since the last blog was a heavy from the talk of the Killing Fields, I thought I would give you an "around the city" blog.

For those of you who have been here, this is the circle between our house and the Russian Market area.  Rich and I were walking one day a couple weeks ago and this was hanging there.

Probably a truck pulled the wire down and, so that people didn't walk or ride their motorcycles into it, someone attached a palm branch and plastic bag to the wires.

Here, if there is a hole in the road, even in the city, they just put a stick or a branch in the hole and hopefully you see it before running into it.  It is especially hard to see at night!  No flashing lights to let you know.
 After I saw the wires hanging down, I thought you might like to see our wiring.

This first picture is our the 2nd floor of my sister, Julie's house.
 This is on a cut-through street between our house and the school. The next picture is of the same lines, just closer.

When a truck yanks out of cable line, it is always entertaining to watch them try to find the right wire that is our and then attach a new line.

What you can't tell in these picture is that the little pole holding them
 up in the middle is not straight; the wires are holding it up.

A week or so ago, Rich and I went for pizza and this is the billboard outside of the Pizza Company.

Have you had Dancing Shrimp Pizza?  We haven't had it either!!!

We hope you all have a terrific day and are reminded of the many blessing we have from God.

Much love,


Greg Fleming said…
I have had crawfish pizza in New Orleans ...

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