October Happenings
This month, Rich has been teaching Daniel at CBI and Veasna has been teaching New Testament Church. Veasna is also teaching a Basic Bible class to our new student.
We had 2 new students, Ratanak and Sona. But Sona didn't pass his 12th grade exam, that they all take at the end of their 12th grade. It is different here, because you don't actually have to pass high school to go to college. We know of several of the Khmers (Cambodians) that have their university degrees and then go back to get this high school diploma. Honestly, I haven't figured out why that do that yet. One of our students told us that Sona didn't want to leave CBI, but his father made him come home and take 12th grade again.
Rich will be teaching Luke next.
As most of you know , I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. We have now found out that it is the easiest kind of cancer to cure and we caught it early (which is truly a gift from God since I go to get an "annual" physical about every 5 years). We are good. We are confident in the care I will receive here. It doesn't look like it has spread. I will be meeting with the doctor on Friday to finalize the treatment and date of the surgery. Please pray for the doctor and my recovery.
On to lighter things: this is a picture looking out of our gate. This was on Oct. 26th. They are putting up a big tent in front of our house and the landlord's house (who lives next door). Thankfully, they only did the morning procession and ceremony at the house, so the tent was only up for 24 hours.
This is the front of the tent. They were still setting up when I took this picture, so they didn't have the bride and groom's picture in front or the fancy chair that they put out.
To get into our house, we just had to walk in the tent and then turn into the landlord's gate (we don't have a wall between our places in the front) and the try to stay out of the happenings to get to our door.
In the evening they rented a facility for the dinner. The groom and bride are in the yellow and our landlady is standing next to Rich.
This is another sight that I thought you might like. I didn't get a good picture because I didn't want to be obvious.
This is on our street. You probably can't read the box on the back of the motorcycle, but this is the Krispie Kreme delivery. See how uptown we are! We have had Krispie Kreme for a year or so now. Thankfully it is in a different part of the city so we haven't been tempted to go. And no, we haven't called for a delivery.
We are however, getting a Carl's Jr. about a mile from the house and Rich is very excited!
Another funny sighting. When we first got here, many of the Lexus' had the name "Lexus" in large letter on the side of the car. However, they were spelled right. Ha! The owner might not even be aware that it is spelled wrong. (I did look and the car is really a Lexus. Sometimes they put Mercedes Benz symbols, or some other expensive car's symbols, on a cheap car.)
We thank you for all of your prayers for us personally and the work and Christians here. The All ages Church Camp will be Nov. 21-14. Since that is the week that I will most likely be having surgery, we won't be going. But please pray for those attending - that they may be uplifted and their faith grow stronger.
Much love,
Ronda Dolan
We had 2 new students, Ratanak and Sona. But Sona didn't pass his 12th grade exam, that they all take at the end of their 12th grade. It is different here, because you don't actually have to pass high school to go to college. We know of several of the Khmers (Cambodians) that have their university degrees and then go back to get this high school diploma. Honestly, I haven't figured out why that do that yet. One of our students told us that Sona didn't want to leave CBI, but his father made him come home and take 12th grade again.
Rich will be teaching Luke next.
As most of you know , I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. We have now found out that it is the easiest kind of cancer to cure and we caught it early (which is truly a gift from God since I go to get an "annual" physical about every 5 years). We are good. We are confident in the care I will receive here. It doesn't look like it has spread. I will be meeting with the doctor on Friday to finalize the treatment and date of the surgery. Please pray for the doctor and my recovery.
On to lighter things: this is a picture looking out of our gate. This was on Oct. 26th. They are putting up a big tent in front of our house and the landlord's house (who lives next door). Thankfully, they only did the morning procession and ceremony at the house, so the tent was only up for 24 hours.
This is the front of the tent. They were still setting up when I took this picture, so they didn't have the bride and groom's picture in front or the fancy chair that they put out.
To get into our house, we just had to walk in the tent and then turn into the landlord's gate (we don't have a wall between our places in the front) and the try to stay out of the happenings to get to our door.
In the evening they rented a facility for the dinner. The groom and bride are in the yellow and our landlady is standing next to Rich.

This is on our street. You probably can't read the box on the back of the motorcycle, but this is the Krispie Kreme delivery. See how uptown we are! We have had Krispie Kreme for a year or so now. Thankfully it is in a different part of the city so we haven't been tempted to go. And no, we haven't called for a delivery.
We are however, getting a Carl's Jr. about a mile from the house and Rich is very excited!
Another funny sighting. When we first got here, many of the Lexus' had the name "Lexus" in large letter on the side of the car. However, they were spelled right. Ha! The owner might not even be aware that it is spelled wrong. (I did look and the car is really a Lexus. Sometimes they put Mercedes Benz symbols, or some other expensive car's symbols, on a cheap car.)
We thank you for all of your prayers for us personally and the work and Christians here. The All ages Church Camp will be Nov. 21-14. Since that is the week that I will most likely be having surgery, we won't be going. But please pray for those attending - that they may be uplifted and their faith grow stronger.
Much love,
Ronda Dolan
I am Edie Connel and I work with World Bible School. My email address is edie@worldbibleschool.net.
I am searching for information generally about the church of Christ in Cambodia and would like to know if you know if the World Bible School courses (Postal or Web lessons) have been utilized as an evangelism tool in Cambodia. According to some history I have there may have been a congregation in Koh Dachs at one time and a person in that area at one time may have been a World Bible School partner. If you would please share your email address with me, I'd like to contact you by email.
God Bless -
Edie Connel
World Bible School
Abilene, Texas USA