Whenever I start a blog, I am always amazed at how long has past since my last one. I'm sorry that I am not a better communicator or at least a more consistent one!
Currently, Rich is teaching Bible Greek to our students. Now, think about that....an English speaker trying to explain Greek grammar in Khmer (Cambodian language).
English grammar is much more complicated than Khmer. And Greek is more complicated than English. For example, in Khmer, there aren't plurals, verb tenses, or articles. So it makes it difficult to try to explain when and how to use them, since they aren't accustomed to them. Now, in Greek, Rich is trying to explain a bit about Greek grammar so they can understand the words. It is quite the challenge.
This picture is of Rich and Nakhin, Navy and Khermin's daughter. She is 6 1/2 months and we enjoy getting to hold her during chapel every morning. One of her "real" grandmas has been here for the last week or so, so I've had to share her.
When we walk, we laugh at many of the signs that are either incorrect or misspelled. Usually, however, we don't get pictures.
I just happen to notice this one.
This is our Lays truck (or Ruffles, if you prefer). He has all kinds of chips, crackers, etc. Not quite what you are used to seeing.
Rich took this one. He said he wondered how well this establishment would do in the US. Ha!
They don't have a problem telling you that you are fat here...to them it is just obvious.
Tomorrow morning, we are leaving for Battambang with our students and a group from the University Church of Christ. Phanat and crew are hosting a seminar there and invited several congregations to come and participate. I"ll give you more details of that in my next blog.
Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes.
Much love,
Currently, Rich is teaching Bible Greek to our students. Now, think about that....an English speaker trying to explain Greek grammar in Khmer (Cambodian language).
English grammar is much more complicated than Khmer. And Greek is more complicated than English. For example, in Khmer, there aren't plurals, verb tenses, or articles. So it makes it difficult to try to explain when and how to use them, since they aren't accustomed to them. Now, in Greek, Rich is trying to explain a bit about Greek grammar so they can understand the words. It is quite the challenge.
This picture is of Rich and Nakhin, Navy and Khermin's daughter. She is 6 1/2 months and we enjoy getting to hold her during chapel every morning. One of her "real" grandmas has been here for the last week or so, so I've had to share her.
When we walk, we laugh at many of the signs that are either incorrect or misspelled. Usually, however, we don't get pictures.
I just happen to notice this one.
This is our Lays truck (or Ruffles, if you prefer). He has all kinds of chips, crackers, etc. Not quite what you are used to seeing.
Rich took this one. He said he wondered how well this establishment would do in the US. Ha!
They don't have a problem telling you that you are fat here...to them it is just obvious.
Tomorrow morning, we are leaving for Battambang with our students and a group from the University Church of Christ. Phanat and crew are hosting a seminar there and invited several congregations to come and participate. I"ll give you more details of that in my next blog.
Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes.
Much love,