Chinese New Year and new COVID happenings

For those of you who might not know, Chinese New Year started on February 11th. Many people were burning in these little metal burners all up and down the street. These are 2 ladies that we say 'hello' to often when we walk down the street, so I asked her some of what they do. They burn gold colored paper and other pretty paper. I am not sure how much of what is done in Cambodia is for the New Year angel and how much is for the ancestor worship that they do. This is inside of their little house. I asked them if they leave the food out all day. They told me that they put the food out in the morning as an offering. Then, when she is done burning all the 'gold' offerings, then they can eat the food except the fruit which is put up ont he wall on the spirit house. (I assume that it is like Khmer New Year and when they burning is done, that signifies that the ancestors are done eating.) Many of the stores had offerings of mainly fruit, br...