Villages Worship Services

Every now and then, some of our graduated students who are out preaching in their villages, send me pictures.  I thought that I would share some of them.

This is Borey in the first 2 pictures.

He has quite a few teenagers.  4 of the teenagers that were in his congregation are now in Phnom Penh studying in universities.  

These next 2 pictures of Sokun and Soklee's village in Battambang province.  This is the same place as the picture I sent of everyone during Sunday services with their feet in water.

Sokun and Soklee have worked hard to teach in their village and in the surrounding villages.

Sokun particularly has made a point to get involved in the community.  Here he is giving them tips on COVID.  I think his involvment in his village and the care and love he shows all the people have made a big impact on them, and therefore, on the church.
This is Kakada and Piset's village services.  They have had to deal with terrible neighbors and other problems.  But they have been diligent to teach.

As I have told you, we are just now getting into COVID like you were a year ago.  

The government has said that all foreigners living here can get the vaccine.  However, in actuality, we can't.  There are forms and papers that we must have to receive a vaccine that they won't allow us to have.  It is looking more like we will try to get the vaccine while we are in the US in a few months.  

As of today (April 1st), we have a night curfew from 8pm - 5am.  This is to last for 2 weeks.  We saw a 3 paged message from the Ministry of Health, but it is in Khmer and I haven't read through all of it.  

Rich is currently teaching Philippians at the school.  We have the Khmer New Year coming up in another week.  It is typically one of the biggest holidays with everyone going back to their villages and meeting with family.  We will see what actually happens as there are many road blocks already on the highways.

Half of our students are in their villages.  The parents are scared of COVID and Phnom Penh is the big city, and so therefore more risky.  Rich decided to go ahead and teach the half that are still at the school.

We are having our worship services online now as we can't meet.  Rich is preaching a series on Ephesians via Zoom. As I mentioned before, it is hard on these new Christians when they can't be around each other for encouragement.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Now, for some comic relief.  Some more signs that I see while I walk around the city.

OK.  Maybe I have lived in a primarily male house for too many years, but this one struck me funny.

For some reason, the song "Hello, walls" by Faron Young is what popped into my mind when I saw the sign.  Most of you are probably too young to have heard the song.  Ha!  Truly, the first 2 words are about all I remember of the song.

This is a men's store pretty close to the house.  All I can figure out is that they meant "tried and true".  What do you think?

 And just down from Mr. Black's store is this store.  I don't know about you, but Dudu tea just doesn't sound good.

I hope these made you smile.  One of the fun things about living overseas is seeing how they use English words.

We are planning to make a US trip in a couple months.  Rich, of course, missed coming back last summer.  As we have a new grandbaby due the first week of June, I am planning to go at the end of May to be there to help them.  As the schedule stands now, Rich will teach until June 4th and then come.  

We have not figured out our "inside the US" route yet, but we look forward to seeing many of you.

There are some advantages to COVID being around.  This is the hot season and many years we lose electricity for several hours every day.  But since many business are shut down or working from home, and the schools aren't in, not as much electricity is being used.  So far, we have only been out a few minutes to a couple hours 3-4 times.  We have filled up 2 plastic tubs with water so that we have some if the water runs out.  

The other advantage is that traffic jams are almost non existent.  It is much easier to get around right now.  For the most part, they still act like because we have white skin, that we are the carriers of COVID.  The statistics look bad here now, but it is because they are just now doing testing to any extent.  And here, if you test positive, you have to go to their COVID facility, regardless whether you have symptoms or not.  

Thanks so much for helping us be here in this place.  It is such a blessing to be able to work in Cambodia and teach these sweet souls.  Keep us in your prayers, please.

Much love,

Ronda Dolan


Darla Coghill said…
May God bless you and Rich and all our brothers and sisters in Cambodia. I pray you may overcome the obstacles Satan puts in your path. Stay strong and keep sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
Julie Goin said…
Good Day!
I pray God will continue to bless you and the Christians in Cambodia.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for the comic relief! It does make one wonder what English words they were aiming for. :) LOL It sounds like it is just as hard to get Covid shots there as it was for everyone here to get shots when they started giving them out to people here in January. Tomorrow I am getting my second Moderna shot. Teaching middle school science with Covid has made this an interesting last year to teach! :) Keith and I saw one of your posts and it was in Kymer (sp) - We obviously were illiterate to reading this first language so we clicked on the translation section. Well, it appears the translation was more of the "squiggly letters" also ! So we are not quite sure what was going on... but assume it was wonderfully good news. We love you guys, think of you and the work you are doing there and miss you! Thank you for the blogs - especially with the pictures of the precious preachers and the students who are at the preaching school. I enjoy hearing about the weather, the customs and the unique situation you are teaching in there. It reminds me of my trips to Cambodia and Keith's trips to India. So unique - I am so thankful that you have the ability to learn to speak and read the language - embrace the culture and be Jesus hands and feet there. God Bless you as we continue to pray for you both and your work. You are loved and missed. Cynthia
Victor York said…
If you ever try the Dudu Tea before you come and it is good, I would be interested in trying it! That was funny!! God be with you guys in all of the things you have to deal with there that are not as normal here. Hope to see you guys when you are here. God grant you strength as you teach and bring people there to the Savior!

Marie-Claire said…
You are in our prayers. Praying you can have the vaccin as soon as possible when in the States. We are next door in Bangkok right now and will work on our re-entry visa for Cambodia asa New Year festivities are behind....Be sure to have all your papers as it can delayed you a long your journey....We love you guys and miss you.

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