Thai Winter Christian Camp

In the middle of October, we were able to go to Thailand to their Winter Camp. They had this camp at the same time as a major holiday, Pchum Bunh, in Cambodia, so we were out of school. This year, the camp was in the north, east of Chiang Mai near the Myanmar border. The Watcharaporn congregation in Bangkok is the host of this camp every year and the congregations near the location of the camp assist. Watcharaporn has a Bible training school like we have here. Their staff and students (some of who are from Laos) did all the cooking and cleaning of the kitchen area and dishes. There were 275 adults as well as children at this camp, so they worked hard and did a great job. Rich was the keynote speaker. The theme of the camp was "Learning from the Past". Rich taught 4 nights on the book of Ruth. He emphasized a different person in the story of Ruth for the 1st 3 nights; Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz; and what we can learn from them to apply to...