Rejoice with us!!! A new sister!

We got the sweetest call on Saturday morning. Khemrin called and told us that our student, Samai, wanted to be baptized. She was baptized at 2pm by Khemrin. She has been a student for over 3 years now. At first, she seemed to keep herself a bit apart. But lately, she has made several comments and asked some good questions. She studies English with me twice a week and so I have gotten to talk to her several times. Last week, she did a devotional talk on Romans 6. (On Tuesdays, we have split chapel, and the girls are all upstairs while the guys are downstairs). She is a good teacher - very thought provoking - and she taught this passage well. It made me wonder if she was listening to herself, since she hadn't been baptized yet, but knows she needed to in order to be saved. After her talk, I made a few comments as did Navy. Then she said she wanted to make another comment. She said that she hadn...