New Year happenings

Every year, several congregations in

the country get together for New Years and bring in the New Year together.  This year, Dennis and Sharon Welch invited all of us to their house and grounds in Kampot.  

We decided to get up early and go to the coast for a new hours first.  

As they don't want the sun on their skin, they all love going to the beach, but huddle under the awning.

On the way, we stopped and got raw seafood to cook once we arrived.  

I won't tell you the comedy of the trip other than to say that it was 154 Kilometers from our house (95 1/2 miles).  It took us 

6 hours!!!  This certainly wasn't our old youth trips!  We are going to have to teach them how to travel. Ha!

We ended up on Coconut Beach at the tip of Kampot Province.  I didn't actually have a beach but sharp rocks.  But we still had a good time together before heading to Kampot.

We enjoyed meeting all the groups and friends that we only get to see a few times a year.

Dennis and Sharon supplied a wonderful supper and Dennis did the devotional thought in the evening on Becoming Like Christ in 2023.

On New Years Day, at about 1am, we had our worship time to the Lord.

As there aren't many Christians in Cambodia, it is always a blessing, as well as a great joy, to get to be together to praise God, worship and just fellowship together.

This is Phanat from Battambang, me, Rich and Dennis Welch hanging out in the evening.  

We thank Dennis and Sharon for their kind hospitality in letting all of us come and camp out on their place for these couple days.  (Well, the kids camped out; Rich and I got a room in the house!)

What a great blessing God blessed us with in His design of the church family!

On January 7th, we were invited to Makara's wedding in Kompong Thom.   She is a sister in Christ and was a student at the BEST Center before she graduated.

Please keep her in your prayers that she remain faithful to the Lord all her life.

 She is a very sweet lady.  I have enjoyed the Bible classes that I have had with her.  She is smart and kind and always has a smile on her face.

We hope that your 2023 has begun wonderfully.  Mostly, we hope that you have a goal to grow closer to God in this year and have a plan to do so.  

We ask your prayers for us and the work here that God has for us.  Prayers for our students at CBI; that their knowledge and faith in the Lord might grow and they can stand strong.  Prayers for the church here; that they continue to work to be the church that God designed in the Bible - a family that loves and strives to the common goal.

Thank God for His great blessings!

Much love,



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