March and first part of April happenings
March 11th, Rich and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary!! We took a couple days and went to the coast. We had a really nice weekend. (It is the beach, after all!)
Gimson, one of our students at CBI, taught the ladies class. I was so proud of her! She did a great job! Typically, she is pretty quiet, so this was really a stretch for her.
Due to Covid, we hadn't been able to make any trips with our students for several years. We have a big group of students who will graduate from CBI this year.
Friday, March 31st, we took the students and staff to the coast. Unfortunately, a couple teachers at the universities sprung tests on 5 of our students at the last minute (something they do pretty frequently), that they had to take on Saturday, April1st, so they weren't able to go on our trip.
Friday night, we stayed in Sihanoukville, a city on the coast.
The city has really changed since we have lived here. All the tall buildings behind our students have been built in the last 7 years. We got seafood at the market and enjoyed a nice (late) meal on the beach.
This is a picture of 3 of our girl students with us.Srang is beside me and then Sroy and Samai are on the other side of Rich. Srang and Samai will both finish and graduate this year.
I think only one of the students had every been to the coast and none had been to an island, so that is where they really wanted to go.Rich was on this boat with 12 of the students.
This is the boat I was on with 3 of the students, as well as Khemrin and Navy, Sokah (our new cook), and Raat and his wife, Cherub and son. Raat has a van that we rent when we all go on trips. We are trying to be an influence on that family. (Raat and his family aren't in the picture; they are behind me in the front of the boat)
This is a picture of Rich's boat and students loading up.
We made it to the island in 2 hours. This is the view from our room. That view is just really hard to beat!!
This is the sunrise on Sunday morning.
After breakfast, we assembled on the hillside for our worship service.
And, sadly, it was time to head back.
This is our group, minus Rich and Raat, who were moving the vehicles.