End of August Happenings

We said goodbye to Greg Fleming on August 20th. This was his 5th trip to Cambodia. These are our 10 students with him, as well as Khemrin (front left). Khemrin was Greg's translator. I took my girls (our CBI students) for coffee on the 17th of August. We just needed a little 'catch-up' time. From left to right: Sroy, Sraynu, me, and Teang. And, as I mentioned, new pipes were coming. Greg left on Tuesday night and they dug a 6foot hole, that was our road, on Thursday. I took this one from the roof so you can see all our wires. The excavator operator not only had to dig the hole, but then swing around to a dump truck behind him. In order to do that, he had to avoid all these wires as well as awning of store fronts on both sides. He was quite talented. This was at the corner, one lot away from us. There is a street running perpendicular to ours. They ended up breaking a water pipe and had to do quite a bit...