Asian Mission Forum

 The Asian Mission Forum this year was in Siem Reap, Cambodia, so just a 5 1/2 hour drive for us.

I didn't take many pictures.  This first picture is the teachers that taught.  You will see Rich on this end.  

The theme was Building the Kingdom of God.  
Some of the lessons were:
'How to be used by God in His Kingdom'
'How to stay focused on your task in the Kingdom.'  This was Rich's topic and of course, he did a great job.
'How to build the kingdom of God with the right spirit.'
'How to lay the foundation, Jesus, in the midst of the other buildings.'
'How to multiply God's buildings in His kingdom'.  

The forum went from Friday night, July 26th until Tuesday morning, July 30th.  

This is a picture of one of the meetings.

Wayne Funk was the keynote speaker and did a great job.  He is South African working in Australia.  It was our first time to meet him.

We also heard several presentations on different tools available to use  - World Bible School, Story of Redemption Films, Gospel Chariot, etc.

While we were there, the orphanage in Siem Reap had their 15 year celebration and invited us to come.

These are the children that are now in Hannah's Hope Children's Home.
These are some of the children.  They did a little presentation for us.
At the celebration, we met up with 2 of our former students.  
Sokun and his wife are on the left of Rich.  Sokun and Soklee work in Battambang Province and do a great work for the Lord.  He brought 25 kids in his van (the old CBI van).  I found out yesterday that by the time he made it home (probably 8 hours of driving and he is the only driver), he was running fever and was sick.

Standing next to Rich on the right is Golap.  She graduated from the school about 9 years ago.  She works on staff at the children's home.  

These are girls at Hannah's Hope.  they are wearing traditional Khmer dress and they did a performance for us.

We always enjoy getting to meet with other brothers and sisters.  It was an uplifting several days.

Greg Fleming started teaching I Timothy on Wednesday, July 31st.  He will be with us for 3 weeks teaching I and II Timothy and Titus.  This is his 5th trip to Cambodia to teach at CBI.

Much love to you all!



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