At the coast and around town

The Capitol Church of Christ decided to take a trip to Sihanoukville.  

We started off with a devotional time.  Rich did a short lesson and we sang and prayed.

We probably had around 60 people there.  

I failed to get a picture of Rich teaching, but his Facebook page has one that he put up.

It was wonderful to enjoy God's beautiful creation with our brothers and sisters.


As for the 'around town' part:

I was walking in our neighborhood near one of the public schools and came across this cart.

Anyone for fried turtles on the half-shell?  And the top shell is also there.  They even come complete with the heads and feet.
Yesterday, on one of our cut-through streets, these roasted ducks were hanging.

They are marinated and then hung out to dry.  Usually they are used for celebrations like holidays and weddings.

I have seen tuktuks fashioned with a rack that can allow about 16 ducks to hang as they go down the street.  Sadly I haven't been able to get a pictures of those.
Look at what's coming!  They are replacing the pipes in the road.  We live on the main road through the neighborhood.  They are working their way down the street and these huge fittings are going to be put under the street.  Right now, they are about a block or so from our house.  They are tearing up the entire street and putting these in.  It is hard to get around our area since it is so torn up.  

I'll be sure to take pictures when we have a huge hole in front of our house.  We are just hoping that it doesn't happen when Greg Fleming is trying to fly out on the 20th.
Speaking of Greg, he and Rich got some potato chips.  They are Texas Tenderloin Steak flavored and they are good!  Do you have those in the US?  They must be packaged here because there is Khmer writing on the back of the package.

I walked to the middle of town, in the richer area and saw this new store.  Well, new to us.  It used to be a ice cream store and I wish it still was.  No, I didn't go in.
Another new shop in our area.  And we haven't tried this either.  Doesn't sound too appetizing to me.

Like I said, Greg Fleming is here until the 20th.  He finished teaching I Timothy and has started on II Timothy.  We appreciate his willingness to come and teach.  We also appreciate his wife and his congregation in Midland for allowing him to be here for several weeks.

If you want to eat at Stinky Baby, come see us!  We would love to have you (and we don't even have to eat there!).

Much love,


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