Church Camp and Thanksgiving
Every November, during our Water Festival Holiday, we have a nation wide all-ages church camp. This year it was November 14 - 17.
This is the main camp picture. There were about 200 people attending.
This is the group that came from Phnom Penh.This is the 'old ladies picture'. That is what they called it. As you can tell, I am substantially older than any of the other ladies in this picture!
Just a picture of some of our group.
Rich's group on dishwashing duty. (He is the only white guy in the picture!)
This is my class. My lessons was for the ladies from 23 to 29 years old on the responsibilities of parents in the church.
And then a couple picture of the entire group when we met together. It is so encouraging to see how much the church has grown here! And it is encouraging for the Christians to get to meet together.
On the last night, after everything else, a couple that were married 7 months before asked to meet with all the marriage couples for advice (and snacks). There were 8 couples. When we all met together, Rich and I were "given the floor" because of our experience.
And here is our crew!!!! Aren't they great??!!! God has blessed us so greatly and these are some of the best blessings!
You are also a blessing to us! Thank you for allowing us to be your feet in Cambodia. Thank you for your love, prayers, support, and encouragement. Thank you for being a part of our lives.
Now that we are back, Rich is teaching Evangelism to our older students while Khemrin is continuing to teach the newer students on Old Testament History. While we were in the US, Khemrin taught II Corinthians to all the students.
Please continue to keep the school and the Christians here in your prayers.
Much love,