Just a quick update

 January 25th, we had another Ladies' Night.  

They play the silliest games.

This is probably a better way to wear masks - as a blindfold!  

This is Sopheak.  I forgot to get a picture of her while she was teaching.  She did the devotional talk for this month.  She did a great job.  
On Saturday, Feb. 8th, Rich and I went to the hospital to visit Kemchhouy, one of our graduates.

He was playing soccer and torn his ACL.  His surgery went well.  On Sunday, his brother and a couple cousins helped him get back to Battambang Province where his family is from.  He will be there for a month, unable to work.  

He is a electrical engineer for the electric company here.

He was in a semi private room (no other patients were in there at the time).  

As we were leaving, I took this picture.  On every floor, there are beds and patients in the hallways.  This is cheaper than having a room.  

Also in the hospitals here, there is no food service.  You have to have family or friends bring you food, get the medicine you need, etc.  

All the national hospitals that I have been in have this type setup.  At least this hospital was quite clean.

A couple extra pictures...
These are some kids dressed up for Chinese New Year.  There were a couple drummers as well as the dragon.  (Sorry the picture isn't great).  

By dressing up and doing their dragon thing, some of the people on the street will give them a little money.
This is a very common sight here.  This is a coconut cart.  
In case you didn't know, coconuts are big and green.  Only after you cut away the thick outside green shell, you get to the brown middle part that we are used to seeing.
The seller drives his motorcycle with the coconut cart down the street and announces that he is selling coconuts.  Then, you choose your coconut and he hacks it open for you to drink.  

CBI update:
    Rich will finish teaching the Scheme of Redemption this week.
    Jerry Lundy, from Broken Arrow, will arrive late Sunday night.  He will begin teaching Monday morning on Ephesians.  Pray for him.  It's hard to have to teach immediately after travelling that far and being 13 hours off on your normal time.
    He will teach for 2 weeks.
    The weekend that Jerry is here, we will be going to Battambang province for a wedding between 2 Christians that live in Phnom Penh.  
    This is also allow us to worship on Sunday, the 23rd, with Sokun and Soklee and the congregation in their village of Moung Russey, in Battambang Province.

Much love to you all!  Keep warm!  (Not a problem we have here.)
Ronda Dolan


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