Hope you all had a good 4th of July

We thought of you all the evening of the 4th...our time, so it was the morning of the 4th for you...but we thought about watching fireworks and enjoying great conversations with you all as we have done so many times in the past. Thanks for all those memories.
Here, it is almost election time, just like in the US. Although ours will be over July 27th. Thankfully, we don't have to see campaign ads on TV or get junk mail (there is no such thing as 'junk mail' here - a wonderful blessing!) about different people. But we do have our headaches. Here, they load up in trucks with loud speakers attached, lot of flags, and lot of people. Just before services were over today (Rich spoke...and did a great job, as usual), just before the closing prayer, a truckload of people went by on the street with their load speakers blaring. Now, you need to understand that our assembly area is open on the end by the street, so there is no blocking out the noise, and the open door area is about 25 yards from the street. Well, I guess they saw a group of people, so they just stopped right in the street at the gate of the building; kept their load speakers going, were cheering, etc. We had to stop for about 5 or more minutes until they decided to move on before we could say the closing prayer! Sorry, I didn't take my camera to services. We have so much fun here! Love you all! Ronda


Lynnda said…
How funny! They were having an invitation of their own! :)

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