International Women's Day
Did you know that today is International Women's Day. I guess we, in the US, substitute Mother's Day so don't observe this day. But here, on March 8th, the women take the day off and the men do the cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, etc. I will say that Rich did the dishes today and I got a nice afternoon nap.
Tuesday, Rich starts teaching at CBI again. He'll be teaching I and II Timothy and Titus for the next several weeks.
We are beginning to see the start of the hot season. Currently, at nearly 10pm, it is about 88 F. But along with the heat comes great fruit that we get to enjoy. And I would rather be hot than cold anyday!
Let us hear from you. Save up your money, come see us and let us show you around.
Much love, Ronda
Tuesday, Rich starts teaching at CBI again. He'll be teaching I and II Timothy and Titus for the next several weeks.
We are beginning to see the start of the hot season. Currently, at nearly 10pm, it is about 88 F. But along with the heat comes great fruit that we get to enjoy. And I would rather be hot than cold anyday!
Let us hear from you. Save up your money, come see us and let us show you around.
Much love, Ronda