But I will spread it out between several blogs so they won't be too long.

Last Tuesday, we went to one of the villages with our students. We loaded 16 people in the van and headed out. Since Khmer New Year is April 14 - 16th, a lot of people of a week or two of vacation. As you will see from the picture of the traffic trying to cross the bridge over the Mekong River, a LOT of people were trying to get out of town. It took us an hour to get over the bridge - and it isn't that long. Traffic just at a standstill. But the effort was worth it. Here are some pictures of the children in the village we went to as well as Nuan, one of our students, teaching some of the adults. We had 3 classes going that the students taught. I took several pictures, but

takes too long to load up more than 4, so this is a sampling. We had 6 baptisms which was exciting! So we all went down to the river that is close to this village. As with most of the people here in Cambodia, they were exceedingly nice to us. And all the kids were excited to share their names, ages, etc. Hopefully we can go back and see them all again soon.
So many sweet lives have touched ours - and you are part of them. We are grateful for all who have shared themselves with us.
Will blog soon about our Khmer New Year trip! Much love, Ronda