Last of Introductions...for awhile
Nuan is the 2nd of 9 children and is 30 years old. He is from the Battambang area.
Wannate is the 7th of 9 children and is 19 years old. He is from the Kang Trop province.
Pbensorn is the oldest of 6 and is 30 years old. He is from the Cham province.
And Pahla is the 4th of 6 and is 19 years old. He is from the Speu province.
We currently have a couple more young men studying with us, but are checking things out for now.
Dale Lundy has been teaching in the mornings and Greg Fleming in the afternoons. Greg will be with us for one more week before returning to his home in Midland, TX.
Keep us in your prayers and thoughts. Much love, Ronda