Trying to blog

I have tried a couple times to load pictures of just scenes on the highway, but am not having any luck. I'll try again. Until then...
Rich and I were able to go to Thailand to their nationwide Church camp. About 500 Thai Christians came for the week. The singing was great; the fellowship was great! It was an excellent week. Of course, I also got to see old friends.
We took Tawn (Rich's interpreter and teaching in the school) and Navy, Tawn's wife, with us. We wanted them to see what the church can be like in the future in Cambodia. They were amazed.
We are back in Phnom Penh now. Rich has begun teaching the book of Hebrews. He is teaching in the Khmer language. One of the students told me today that he is doing a good job and his Khmer is clear and understandable. He said he has really noticed how much Rich has improved.
Ron and Shirley Downey are here now as well. Ron is teaching Acts in the morning to the students. Shirley is teaching English in the mornings with the WEI material. She has 4 students.
We hope you all are doing well. Again, I apologize for the delay and will try again to get some pictures up.
Much love to you all. Ronda


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