Newest students
From the left is:
Sraythoj, which means 'little woman'. She is very sweet and quiet soft spoken. She is the 6th child of 9 in her family and is 22 years old.
Makara, which is "January" is standing next to her. Makara is the 5th of 8 kids and is 20 years old.
One of her older brothers is next to her and his name is Tholah, which is the month of "October". I guess when you have 8 kids, naming them by the month they were born might be easier. Tholah is 21 years old.
The last student shown is Sokchea.
All are very sweet. CBI is hard for them as they are all new Christians and are just learning about the Bible. Also, they have to study much different here than in regular schools (a LOT more reading), so at the beginning they usually struggle. But we are enjoying having them in the school.
The other picture is one I took in the village last Sunday in Krang Dong.
Hope you are all doing great! Ronda