More on the graduates

Kakada had originally thought that he would continue on in a university here.  But his plans have changed.  He has decided to go back to his village and work there.  There is a church in the area (Krang Dak) that he wants to help as well as start another congregation nearer to his house a few kilometers away.  It doesn't seem far to us, but many of the people don't have transportation and stay in their small area.
This way, he could help his parents as well as a couple of congregations.  Kakada is very smart.  We pray that he has the desire to work hard and be the Christian example to those in his village.  Several of our students and graduates have come from this area, so the church is certainly being strengthened in this part of the country.
Phally is staying in Phnom Penh.  She is currently working (cleaning a place of business) during the week and going to beauty school on the weekends.  Her plan is to set up a beauty shop here in the city (nails, hair and makeup for parties, etc).  This will give her a means of support and then will also allow her to help teach the children at church as well as show her light in her business.
She asked me to paint my nails, so that I could have pretty nails for her wedding.  I did take a picture of the flowers that she painted on my nails but didn't get them uploaded.
She is very sweet.  She wrote Rich a letter telling him how grateful she was to be a part of the school and be able to study and learn about God's Word.  We pray she lets her light shine to those around her.
 Sraymom is currently working for an organization helping women out of prostitution.  Makara, one of our former graduates, worked for this same agency.  Makara is now working with Navy, Tawn's wife, running a day care type facility.  So Sraymom has taken her place.
She is a strong Christian and knows her Bible well.  We hope she can be in influence she needs to be to both those she tries to help as those who are her coworkers.
This is just a picture that I took from the 2nd floor of the school looking down on the food table and people.  We had parents, uncles, aunts and cousins of the graduates here for graduation.  They are not Christians, so we hope this might open some doors for future studies with them.

Linna, the other one that graduated still has a couple classes to go. I will give you an update on her when she completes her studies.

We also got a new girl student today, named Seeakjang.  She is 18 years old.  Please pray for her as well as our students and they study and not only become more knowledgeable of God's Word, but also that they are aware how that applies to their lives every day.
Much love,


JamesG3 said…
It's so great to see these students graduate and head out to be "outposts of light in a dark world." We'll keep them in our prayers. I keep the seating chart of their class in the Bible I used on the trip as a prayer list for them, so it's great to get these updates on their plans.

God bless!
James G.

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