Our New Students
Meet our new students!!
Kimsron is 21 years old and is from Takeo. His older brothers, Sovann and Kimsrauv are graduates of the school. Excellent family!
Sokmang is 18 and from the Gondal province. His sister, Linna, is a student and the wife of Veasna, who is now on staff at CBI.
And then Cameron, on the right, is 19 years old and also from Takeo province.
Vung is 21 and from Takeo province. All these guys from Takeo came from a village where Kimsrauv has started a new congregation in the last year.
Leeto is 19 and from Kampot province. He has returned to his home, however. He told the other students that it was too hard. He has been exposed to Christians and the church so our prayer is that he continue seeking. There is far more studying and reading than they are used to, so it is quite an adjustment for them to study at CBI.
Rang is 21 and also from Takeo.
And our new girls...
Thary (and Sokmang) actually started in May. But I included them here as I haven't introduced them yet.
Thary is 26 years old and from Gondal province.
Sraynooj is 19 years old and from Preywang province.
Please keep all these students as well as our other students and graduates in your prayers.
One of our graduates, who has just started a congregation in his village sent us a text today and said that his father hates him and his mom since they are Christians. Then says he is thankful that God is with them and ask for prayers. His name is Borei. Please pray for him to continue to be strong and faithful in his work for the Lord and that his father will come to know God as well.
Much love, Ronda
Kimsron is 21 years old and is from Takeo. His older brothers, Sovann and Kimsrauv are graduates of the school. Excellent family!
Sokmang is 18 and from the Gondal province. His sister, Linna, is a student and the wife of Veasna, who is now on staff at CBI.
And then Cameron, on the right, is 19 years old and also from Takeo province.
Vung is 21 and from Takeo province. All these guys from Takeo came from a village where Kimsrauv has started a new congregation in the last year.
Leeto is 19 and from Kampot province. He has returned to his home, however. He told the other students that it was too hard. He has been exposed to Christians and the church so our prayer is that he continue seeking. There is far more studying and reading than they are used to, so it is quite an adjustment for them to study at CBI.
Rang is 21 and also from Takeo.
And our new girls...
Thary (and Sokmang) actually started in May. But I included them here as I haven't introduced them yet.
Thary is 26 years old and from Gondal province.
Sraynooj is 19 years old and from Preywang province.
Please keep all these students as well as our other students and graduates in your prayers.
One of our graduates, who has just started a congregation in his village sent us a text today and said that his father hates him and his mom since they are Christians. Then says he is thankful that God is with them and ask for prayers. His name is Borei. Please pray for him to continue to be strong and faithful in his work for the Lord and that his father will come to know God as well.
Much love, Ronda