Graduates Return

 On Thursday and Friday, March 19th and 20th, Rich postponed regular classes and invited our graduates to come back and join with us.

The graduates always enjoy being back at the school and getting to sing with the students and just spend time together.  Many of our students are either out by themselves for with just a couple of them working together, so it is encouraging for them to get to meet together again.
 The theme for this meeting was Ephesians.
On Thursday, Nuon, Soklee, and Vanna all taught classes.

On Friday, Kimsrauv and Sokun taught.

This is Veng, one of our current students, leading singing.
 This is Kimsrauv.  He taught on Eph. 1:15-23.  He talked about the purpose of prayer and the importance of praying for ourselves and well as praying for each other and the strength and fellowship that we receive from being in prayer for each other.
 Sokun taught on Ephesians 3.  He mentioned that Paul was a prisoner and still teaching God's Word.  He asked the graduates and students if they would still be teaching if they were put in jail.  And talked about how hard they think they have it but to look to Paul as an example and encouragement by looking forward to the promises from God for being his servant.  Then he went on to list several of the promises that God has given his children.
 This is Sovan, Kimsrauv, Kimsrun, and Kimsrouen.  They are brothers and the first 2 are graduates of the school and the youngest two (on the left) are in school now.

We hope that in the future we have many more families that can all be preachers and teachers of God's Word.
 Friday evening, we had a dinner together which included pizza.  None of our current students have ever had pizza before, so we enjoyed treating them.
 After dinner was Bunco!!  We have played Bunco in the past with some of our graduates but this was a first time for our current students.

Let me tell you...I have played with ladies that think they are pretty wild and loud playing.  They do not hold a candle to these kids!!  They holler, they stand up because they get so excited.  It was so loud!!  It is funny to me how calm these pictures look, knowing what it was really like! Ha!
The enjoyed playing and there were a few prizes.  Here is some of the group.

Please keep all these sweet souls in your prayers as the graduates work in there places and the students study and learn about God and His will in their lives.

Much love,


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