Asia Mission Forum

Rich and I were able to attend the Asia Mission Forum last week in Bangkok, Thailand.  The Asia Mission Forum is a few days each year that missionaries, as well as some locals, get together for encouragement, prayer, study God's Word, singing, fellowship.  We are grateful to those of you who give us the funds to be able to attend.

This year, Larry Henderson and Kelly Davidson were the keynote speakers.  Both of these men I have know for years as they grew up in Thailand and then returned to Thailand as missionaries with their families.  I was thrilled to be able to visit with them and catch up a bit.

This year, much of the time was concentrated on prayer; particularly, prayer for the cities. 
It is always nice to see old friends and make new friends and worship our God together.

This Friday, Rich and I will go back to Thailand for the weekend.  The Watcharaporn congregation puts on a Family Retreat that we will be teaching at.  Rich will teach 4 lessons and then I have 2 ladies classes as well.  Please keep us in your prayers that we might have God's wisdom and teach the things that He would have us teach.

At the school here in Phnom Penh, Rich is currently teaching Ezekiel. 

Hopefully I will remember to take a few pictures at the Family Retreat.

Much love,


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