Family Retreat in Thailand

Rich and I were invited to teach at a family retreat in Thailand organized by the Watcharaporn church in Bangkok.

This pictures is some of the people that attended.  We didn't take the picture until the last day and some people had already left.  But there was probably 30-40 couples. 
 The place we went to was Kanchanaburi, Thailand.  It is the location of the Bridge over the River Kwai, that was famous during WWII, and the story that the movie by the same name was based on.

I thought you might enjoy some of the town's light pole decorations.  Besides these 2 different versions of fish, I also noticed that one some of the small poles, there was just one fish.

 This is the view from the dining area off the river.

Rich taught 4 times to all the adults.
He taught on:
  - the importance of strong marriages
  - 6 things that strong families have in common
  - 5 main things that children need from their parents
  - having a balance between family time and church time
  - communication
  - the 12 things that kill communication
  - how to teach your families to serve spiritually

As we do not speak Thai, we had translators.  There were 3 different men that translated for Rich and 2 ladies that translated for me. They all did a great job!

There were 2 classes that were split between the men and the women. 

My classes were on marriage and families; primarily areas that the Bible is in conflict with our cultures and the world.  And then the practical applications to those in our lives.

Rich's classes were also on the practical application to God's Word in our lives.  He talked a bit about 'His Needs Her Needs' book and how those ideas fit into our daily lives.

Everyone was so sweet and gracious to us.  We thoroughly enjoyed the time we got to spend with them both during our study times and leisure times.
 On day, we took a barge down the river for a few hours.  This boat pulled up to the barge as we were going down the river, hooked on,  and started selling all kinds of food and drinks.  Her husband is in the back of the boat, but I wanted a close enough picture that you can see what she is selling.  She has dried squid in her hands - which is very good.
These are barges in front of us.  I didn't get a picture of our barge but you can see these.  This is actually 3 barges together (one in the front that you can't see) and they are pulled by a boat.  Unlike the back, the sides and front are open.  It was really enjoyable just to sit and feel the breeze and enjoy God's creation down the river and great company.
This is the boat that pulled our barge.

As the place that we got on and off the barges were just downriver from the bridge, several of us decided to go on to see the bridge.  My family went there once; I think the 2nd year that we lived in Thailand, which would have been 1974.  I don't remember there being tons of people there then, like there was this time.  However, this was a holiday weekend in Thailand, as it was the Queen's birthday and Thai Mother's Day.
This is totally off the point of this blog but I thought it was funny. 

In the airport in Thailand, this is the sign after you go through customs and then the scanning machines.  As much as Rich has to unload and take off (wallet, keys, belt, shoes, etc.), I guess this sign is applicable.

Again, we had a wonderful trip.  We hope all we did was to God's glory.  We can look forward to heaven when we can all meet the brothers and sisters in the Lord that we might not have opportunity to meet on this earth.  The Thai Christians are wonderful people and I can't wait for you all to meet them one day.

Now, back to work in Phnom Penh.  Pray for us to have wisdom to know the paths that God wants us to take to do His work in this place.

Much love,


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