Thai Camp Chaam

We have been going every other year to the Christian church camp in Thailand, for the last several years.  There are usually between 400-500 Christians that come from all over the country.  It is a great time for us to get to see our Thai Christian friends.

This year, the camp was from April 12 - 16.  The theme was "The Power of Praise".
 The first day of camp was also Songkran Day, which is a nation wide water fight.  It is great fun!

During this time, they also have all the old people (us!), those over 50 sit and the younger ones all come and pour water that has powder in it and bless us and we in turn, say a blessing to them.  (Rich has forgotten about this and was trying had to keep his black pants somewhat free of powder.  It didn't work.)
 Rich taught the adult men's classes and I taught the adult women.  We taught 3 classes.

This is a picture of some of the ladies in my class before we started.
This is a picture of the whole group.  As always, the singing is fantastic!  Each day, a couple of the Thai brothers would bring a lesson.  After that time was our classes.  Then in the evening, we had the keynote speaker.  This year the speaker was Skip Rodgers.  He is the preacher at the Denver City Church of Christ.  He was a missionary in Thailand years ago.  It was great to be able to visit and catch up with him.
During camp this year, there were 20 baptisms!!!  Please pray that they new babies in Christ will grow strong in their faith and stand strong.
 Since I was teaching class, I didn't get any pictures of Rich's class. 

This is me with Ting, my translator and sweet friend.  She is such a precious person! 
 This is Skip Rodgers and Glome, his translator.  Skip has been gone from Thailand for a long time but I was amazed at how good his Thai was! 

We thoroughly enjoyed his lessons on singing and praise God.  Skip also brought his son, Joey with him. 
 Rich wanted this picture because we make it a point to never match. the last day, what can you do when these are the only clothes you have left?! 

We had a really terrific week surrounded by sweet Christian brothers and sisters. 

The camp is during the Thai New Year.  As it is also the Khmer (Cambodian) New Year, the school is out; and that gives us a perfect opportunity to get to attend.

But the last day always comes and it is time to load up. This is the truck they rented to haul all the kitchen stuff back to Bangkok.

 The picture above is of the caps that we were given.  I noticed that all the pictures either come from the first day of camp or the last day. Ha!

These pictures are just funny things I noticed.

If you don't have a motorcycle helmet rack, just use the weedeater! 
I have walked by this shop many times and hadn't noticed that they left out the "second" in front of "hand" on this sign.

Back at home now, Rich is teaching Revelation to our older students while Veasna is teaching Old Testament History to our newer students.

At the end of this month, we will be coming back to the US for a visit.  We haven't worked out all the stops yet, but look forward to seeing many of you.
Much love,


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