Family Retreat in Thailand
Rich and I were invited again this year to teach at the Family Retreat that the Watcharaporn congregation in Bangkok hosts.
The flight to Bangkok is only an hour, and the retreat is on a long weekend, so it is easy for us to go.
The place that the retreat was held at was about 2 hours out of Bangkok. This is the place that we ate lunch on our way. It is an organic farm and restaurant. The atmosphere was great as was the food.
During the retreat, Rich taught 4 times to everyone. He went over the 10 needs from His Need Her Needs on Saturday night.
Then on Sunday, he taught on Commitment and Spirituality in the Family. Monday morning, he taught on Solving Conflict.
He had 3 translators. This is Yung. He did a great job! He made the same gestures that Rich did and moved when Rich did. One of the Thai said it was like they were the same person!
Lek also translated for Rich. He and his wife, Ann and their son, Art drove us to and from the retreat.
We had a great visit during the drive.
Here is just a couple pictures of the group that we got to enjoy for the weekend.
They are always so very sweet to us.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Oodt and Jee. Oodt is one of the elders at the Watcharaporn congregation and is the one that coordinates the Family Retreat. I have known him since he was in high school, so it is fun to get to spend some time with him and his family. Valve, one of my translators, is his daughter.
Left to right is Ann, Noo, me and Valve (her nickname).
Noo and Valve translated for my 2 classes. Charlie translated for Rich during the class times, but since I was also teaching, I didn't get his picture.
Our classes were a more in depth look and discussion on the His Needs Her Needs points and Dealing with Stress and Crisis.
We were very blessed to be able to be a part of this group and enjoyed our weekend with them.
Much love,