Come Before Winter and New Students

As I mentioned in the last blog, I was able to attend the Come Before Winter Renewal in Chiang Mai, Thailand.   A sweet friend suggested (and provided the funds) that I go to one a few years ago in Australia.  Since this one was in the next country (similar to going from Tulsa to Houston), it was easy to attend.  The text this year was on Exodus, and the theme was "Will You Meet With Me".  The women in the staff of Come Before Winter prepare excellent Bible studies as well as other activities.  This year, we looked at different ways to study a text and different styles of applying those things to your life.
   This renewal was the last week in September.  At the end of it, Rich met me in Chiang Mai.  We had a major holiday here in Cambodia, so the students were out of school.  And some of you gave us money when we were in the US, telling us it was for personal use.  So, thank you!  We enjoyed walking around the Old City of Chiang Mai, eating delicious Thai food.  The first picture is chicken and cashews.  She asked me if we wanted it spicy.  I asked "Thai spicy?"  We went for a medium spiciness (which would be hot in other places) and it was perfect. 
We also had mangoes and sticky rice (more than once!).  This is a picture of Rich with a banana smoothie. 

On Sunday, a sweet Christian brother came and picked us up so that we could worship with the Sensai congregation that is to the northeast of the city.  It was great to see some old friends and meet many new brothers and sisters.
 At the hotel that we stayed in, on the breakfast buffet, they had various jellies, etc.  If you can read it, the front jars say "vanilla jam, chocolate jam, and banana jam"; but it was really pudding.  Let me tell you, I LOVED putting this "jam" on my pancakes!
 This is a picture of the meeting at the University congregation in Phnom Penh.  Rich taught on the cross and the resurrection. 
And this is a picture of our students.  We are expecting 2-3 more in the next few weeks. 
For your prayer lists, their names are:
back row:  Bunthai, Myee, Srang, (Rich), Sokna, Panut, Leak, Kooan, Bunlee, (Navy holding Nakhin and Khemrin)
front row:  Samiee, Jenthra, Kimsom and Sraynij

Currently they are studying the book of Mark with Dale Lundy.  Please keep them in your prayers as their knowledge of God and His Word grows; and hopefully, as their faith grows. 

I also had another Women's Night last night.  Since we had our new students at CBI and then there are new students at the BEST Center, we had a night of pizza and bunco.  Just a time to get to know each other better and have some fun.  Unfortunately, it was over before I thought about pictures.  Whoops!

Much love,
Ronda Dolan


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