Quarantine #1
Rich is home, in Phnom Penh, and just finished his class on Psalms at the school. Today, he started a class on Sermon Preparation.
The first week of October is the Pchum Ben holiday and school will be out for that week. Please pray for our students as they are on the roads and at home; that they might be a glory to God and show guide many people toward the Lord.
So far, even though Thailand and Vietnam are relaxing some of their restriction, Cambodia hasn't followed suit.
Most of you know that I am in Bangkok, Thailand in order to see the doctor. There is a mandatory quarantine of 15 days here. I am on day #12. Downhill slide! Actually, I keep thinking that this must be what rich people do - just sit around and call for people to deliver things to you. 😀
I am getting a bit bored, but it really isn't too bad. My floor space is 15 steps, including the bathroom. I laughed thinking that if a person was very large, that they would have trouble getting in and out of the shower. But, the shower has hot water and good pressure, the bed is comfortable and I have a full length window to see out. I'll take those over floor space any day. I can jog/walk in place.
I should be able to leave on Friday morning. I have my 3rd and last Covid test today. My first appointment with the doctor is on Sunday morning.
Please keep Rich in your prayers as he is having to take care of his classes and teaching as well as doing the things that I usually do. Thank you for your prayers for me and my medical situation. I am looking forward to knowing more clearly what I am going to be dealing with.