Ronda's medical results

 Since there are many of you asking about my medical results, I thought it would be easier to update you here.

I just got back from the doctor.  I got the expected news that my diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia(CLL) is confirmed.  

The good news is that my counts aren't bad enough yet to have to have treatments.  

I will have bloodwork done every 3 months.  I did have additional bloodwork done today that will tell us which type of CLL I have (which will indicate how quickly it will likely spread and which treatments are best).  Those results will not be in for awhile.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all your prayers, love, thoughts for me!  I am indeed greatly blessed!

I am to fly to Phnom Penh on Saturday (unless I can get an earlier flight).  I'll quarantine there for 2 weeks and then I GET TO GO HOME!

Much love,


Just a couple side blessings from God:  

1.  We rented a car in the US since we had to stay longer for because we tested positive for Covid.  Two weeks into our rental, they backed out the original amount on our credit card and then apply only half of the amount back!

2. The test I did today is part of a study, therefore there was no cost to me.


Unknown said…
Prayers for good health
You two have been a blessing to whoever life you touched. I pray for God to watch over you every day. Love, Patty
Unknown said…
Continued prayers for you and Rich.

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