Using our van

About 9 Christian young people (college aged) came and we had a devotional, fellowship meal at one of the missionaries' house on Saturday night. We told whoever wanted to go could meet at the church building and we would take the van. This is what we got the van for! We put 21 people in our 15 passenger van! We got into a major traffice jam along the way and ended up heading down a side street (following another car). The street ended up at one of the markets where people sit and sell stuff all over the street, so that we could hardly fit down. It took us an hour to get about 3 miles. But the fellowship was great. Even though the Thais sang devo type songs that the Khmers didn't know and the Khmers sang their songs that the Thais didn't know. For the most part, we knew them all and sang in English!! We did finally get 2 songs that we all sang. I'm sure God thought it was beautiful. Bow, the young preacher, did a talk about how when we get to heaven, we will all understand each

Today, the 10th of December is Human Rights Day, so we didn't have language school. Rich did go ahead and teach this morning, Isaiah, at the school since we has to get it in.
I'm sure you all are in the holiday swing of things; got millions of things to do. Remember to love on each other and hug on each other. When you see my boys (if you see them) make sure to love and hug on them extra and tell them it's from me! You're in our prayers. Ronda