Khmer writing lesson #2

This says, in my phonetics, "jum reeap sua" on the first line; and the rest says, "sok sabuy jeea dtay? This is the formal general greeting which means " Good day, are you well?"
We can now read. But due to the fact that they don't put spaces between words, if we don't know the words, we can't tell when one word ends and the next word begins. It does make it interesting. Especially when they combine a lot of words to give it different meanings. But we are learning and know a lot more than we did 3 months ago.

This picture is of one of the high school's parking lots. I don't know if you can see it clearly, but there are TONS of bicycles! They stack them so close together, that I think the kids on the end would have to come first and get them out in order! There are some motos (motorcycles) on the left couple rows.
We can't believe it is December. As I am writing this, it is 2:10pm and 82 F. We have a really nice cool north breeze and the nights are getting down to 72 F. The khmers are all wearing jackets and some coats. If you are cold, come enjoy the beautiful weather with us! Love, Ronda
You all are in my prayers!
I'm ready to see a close-up of all three of you with your big smiles...I really miss those! You're in my prayers!