Now you can see our van!

Here is a picture of Rebekah and I with our van. It is a 15 passenger diesel and, in case you can't read the side of it, it is a Toyota. It has been really nice - saving the money on tuk tuks! In the picture you can also see our 'yard'. The gate behind us is our landlord's (ours is the one open behind the van). The house is right at the front of the van, so you are looking at most of the front 'yard'. All of the houses here, big or small, are gated. I think you can tell that the top of the gates and fence have spikes to discourage anyone from climbing over.
In this note, I just wanted to tell you some of the sights that we see around town an any given day. There was a man, with a numb for his left leg, driving his moto down the road hold a crutch with his left hand. On the back of his moto was big blocks of ice to be delivered. I so admire his willingness to work when he could easily justify begging instead.
We saw another man on a makeshift bike. The seat part had been made into a pallet. He pedalled with his hand as his legs were all scrivelled up. But on the pallet with him was his wife and child. Rebekah made a comment about him still getting his family around even though he can't walk.
On a funny note, we were on our way to language school and saw a pig head on a moto. (You really wouldn't believe how much they can put on one moto!) As we got closer, we noticed that there was a driver and a rider on the back. Between them were 2 pigs, medium sized, in vice type things to hold them still. Just going down the road...probably headed for market. We always feel sorry for the guy on the back trying to hold them on as well as trying to keep from falling off himself.
Today is our last day of Session I language classes. Session II starts on January 2nd. So between times, we have to finish memorizing what he have 'already learned'. And we started into sentence structure so we have to get that all figured out too.
Enjoy your families and friends during this holiday season and be thankful to God for all.
Much love, Ronda


Lynnda said…
Yea! for vans... Robert went on a weekend retreat with the international Aggies last weekend. He was in charge - if you can imagine. They let him take (and drive) the 15 passenger bus. I was a little concerned - who lets a 19 year old drive a bus??? Anyway, except for trouble starting Sunday morning, he did just fine. (I think he carried the BACOC bus curse with him...)

Hope you're doing well! We are chugging along here...
wildcat said…
We are on our second minivan (approaching 150,000 miles) and still would want a third when the time comes.

Guess what? We got to see and visit for a short time with all 3 of your fine boys this morning. Gave them a hug and/or a good pat on the back for you. Too bad you are going to have to spend the holidays at the beach!!! We had more cold weather this morning but it is not going to last. We covet your prayers and we continually keep you in ours. Bob and Carol

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