Class in the new school building
The first picture is of Pahla, Pengsorn, and Wanate, 3 or our new students.
The next 2 pictures is of the class. This is actually taken during chapel time in the morning.
We are thrilled for the new facility and are so thankful to all of you who make this possible. We hope to put it to good use in God's work.
It is rainy season now and has really been raining a lot. In fact, many roads into different areas of the country have been shut down due to flooding.
Much love, Ronda
P.S. from Rich -- We're in an evangelism week this week. Monday was at Vuth's village (where we started the church in April or so). There were many people who came to the studies. Today, was at Krang Trop, where several months ago the denominational guy came and asked us to teach them. Two of our new students came from there. Tomorrow, it's on to the village Sothea (a January graduate) is working at. We started a church there, had some problems with the police, etc.. but have worked most of that out now.