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Penh is 19 years old and is the 4th of 7 children in his family.
Sokgon is 22 years old and is the 2nd of 5 children.
Peeap is 18 years old and is the oldest of 9 children. These 3 are all from the Battambang area on the south side of the top of Lake Tonle Sap.
Serawhat is Sarawudt's brother (in the last group). Serawhat is the 2nd of 3 children and is 21 years old.
All of the students just completed Phillipians and did a great job. The last 4 students will be introduced in the next blog. Much love, Ronda
PS. I am not spelling their names correctly, but trying to spell them so you can pronounce them right.