Loren and Penny Hollingsworth
Dad taught Daniel to our students at the school.
As most of you know, they moved (along with all of us kids) to Thailand in September 1973 and have been missionaries there every since. For the last 6 or 7 years, they spend about 7 or 8 months in Palmer, Alaska and then 3 or 4 months in Thailand and another month here, helping us. It is always great to have them here.
Since Dad was teaching Daniel, and that is a little difficult book for our beginning students, Veashna, one of
our graduates taught the new students an Old Testament Survey class.
The first picture is Dad and Mom and the 2nd picture is Rich and I with them. We were at the airport waiting for Mom's plane to leave. She left on Monday, Feb 27th to head back to Alaska. Dad left Friday, March 2nd to go to Chiang Mai, Thailand and teach for another month before heading back to Alaska.
Much love, Ronda
PS. The day this posts will be our 29th wedding anniversary! It has been a wonderful 29 years.