Wedding season his here.

Paul talked about being all things to all people...well, I don't think he meant it this way, but our last couple weddings, we were that, as we were singers and acting parents.
The first picture is Rich and I singing "Angry Words" that had been translated into Khmer (the language here). I didn't have time to translate it so Cheav, one of our graduates did.
The 2nd picture is Rich and I with another wedding party. At this wedding, Rich and I were Nuan, the groom's parents, as his parents are deceased. We laughed about whether he "looked like his dad or mom". The last picture is part of the dinner after Nuan and Way's wedding. With the pig, we had grilled fish, some chicken, and then of course, lots of rice and vegetables.
One funny thing about Nuan and Way's wedding (other than his "parents" were white skinned) is that as the groom and groomsmen were getting ready for the wedding, it occurred to them that none of them could tie their ties (the only time they wear ties is for weddings). So, I got Rich out of his seat and we assisted the tie tying. The wedding was postponed for about 15 minute until we got them done.
Love, Ronda