Women's Night

Monday, the 23rd, we had another Women's Night at our house. Julie and I supplied the "gifts" of facial supplies. Then we proceeded to lead them through the process of cleansing, exfoliating, steaming, putting on a mask, and moisturizing. When we were all done, we made spiritual applications to each of these steps. Exfoliating. Steam! Let me tell you, this was a bit of a trick as I don't have any hot running water in my house. So for 2 steps, I needed warm water and for this step, I needed hot steamy water for all of them. So we started hours earlier heating up water and dumping it in buckets with lids for the warm water and then heating up more water in big pots and crockpots for the steaming water. And the mask. Finally getting it all rinsed off. We had 23 ladies come. I think they all enjoyed it. On Monday, the 30th, we will take the students and go to Siem Reap for a multi-congregations New Years Eve party on the ...