CBI Christmas
Before I get into our Christmas happenings, I just to tell you something I have been thinking about.
Several times now, when one of our students have been giving their chapel talks, they would say "I don't remember exactly where this verse is, but..." and then go on to say what the verse says. And that is great! But what is really wonderful is to hear several of the students (who didn't know their books of the Bible a year ago) tell them where the verse it is. To hear them just immediately be able to give scripture like that is amazing! Such a blessing to watch their growth!
I took this picture on Tuesday. We have split chapel on Tuesday, where the girls and I have our chapel upstairs and the boys downstairs. We are currently waiting for the boys to be finished. I noticed that these 3 were just squatting on the floor in the kitchen. What you can't see is that there is a stack of chairs to the left. They thought it was funny that I took the picture, but I explained to them that most Americans can't sit like that; flat footed, legs together for long periods of time. Even more amazing is how they can just stand right up. But this is their nature "sitting" posture.
Jim Garvey, the son of my parents Army buddies' sons, sent me a message a few weeks ago and said that he would like to do something for our students. I haven't seen Jim since I was about 7 years old, but due to Facebook, we are able keep up. What a sweet gift!
Here, we are outside of the Sou Sou Suki Soup restaurant. They were very excited to get to go to an expensive (for them) nice restaurant.
As with Suki Soup restaurants, there is a pot of boiling water and
then here, we also had a grill. Between the tables, you can see the conveyor belt that brings plates of food to the tables that they can choose from.
In the evening, we got together to do a gift exchange and then we taught them how to play Mexican Train. So Rich taught this table.

This is just a quick picture during the gift exchange.

And I taught this table. I was so glad I was able to get the dominoes. They had a great time. It is so nice that everyone enjoys being together. We played until about 10 pm. During the party, it started raining, so once ago, as Rich and I walk home from the school, the water right outside of the school is over my knees. Not that we can see through the water well, but in the dark, it is especially "fun".
As for the school, right now, in the mornings, Rich is teaching Old Testament I to all of the students except Bunthai and Mai (our oldest students) and Touy, Phalin and Srang (our newest students).
Khemrin is teaching the three newest students New Testament Basics in the mornings.
Then in the afternoons, Rich is teaching Bunthai and Mai on the Work of the Preacher.
Please pray for spiritual growth of these sweet kids; that they will put God in their hearts.
Thank you so much for your love, prayers and support. I pray that 2021 will bring us all closer to God and His will.
Much love,
Julie Goin
BA Church of Christ